Exit Slip - Frank McCourt

One of the quotes that really stood out in the videos was when Frank McCourt talked about how you can't be a good teacher if you aren't learning. This idea of learning with your students while you are teaching them is very important, especially in the modern world of technology where things are changing so quickly.  A teacher who is not learning is eventually going to come across as out of touch and out dated. I like the idea of the teacher acting as a guide through the learning process rather than an authority figure imposing their knowledge on students. I think students are much more likely to be engaged with the material if they feel like their opinions and perspectives are validated. I believe learning from your students can also help you to connect with them and understand their perspective. Getting into the minds of your students may help you to understand where they are coming from and ways you could modify your teaching methods to better suit them. Not every class is going to be exactly the same and I think it is important to acknowledge that.

Another thing that I thought was important was the idea of being authentic and that students will be able to tell if you're not. Frank McCourt obviously was very good at connecting with his students because he did so in a way that was authentic to who he was as a person. I think one of the things I am most unsure about is how I am going to form these connections with my students in a way that is authentic to who I am. I want to be genuine while still being professional and I think walking that line can be difficult sometimes.


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