Exit Slip: Praise and Student Engagement

I think praise definitely can be useful in classrooms as a way of building students' confidence but I think that the way a teacher goes about it is an important factor. The type of praise a teacher gives students can either promote a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. Complimenting students on having creative insights or for working hard may encourage them to try to continue to have creative insights and work hard. Telling students they are smart not only promotes a fixed way of thinking about intelligence and mathematical skill but also might make other students feel like they are not smart. I also think that part of the "tact of teaching" is being able to observe how students react when you praise them and responding accordingly. Some students may like praise and feel like it helps to boost their confidence. Other students may be embarrassed by praise and may prefer a nice comment on the top of their paper or an aside compliment after class. As always, I think it is very important to be responsive to the individual needs of your students.

I also think that in a classroom where students are actively participating in learning and are collaborating to solve problems, students may be motivated by the desire to feel like they are engaged and contributing. They may not need extrinsic motivation because they are intrinsically motivated by the enjoyment they get from collaborating.


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